7 Habits That Will Transform Your Life and Bank Account
you know what you're beautiful and you're worth it hey
friends welcome to today's video today is going to be the greatest day of your
life now have you ever heard the saying there are three types of people in this
world those who make things happen those who watch things happen and those who
wonder what the hell happened you know most people fall in to the second and
third categories and here's why they wish for change but they don't take any
steps to make make it happen and the few who fall
into the first
category well we don't hope or wish for a better life we go out and created it
now which of these groups do you fall into currently now I say currently
because what if I told you it is entirely within your control you know you
control the quality of your life where you are in life right now is exactly
where you want to be the actions that you've taken have gotten you where you
are now if you want to get better results you can become better so that you can
do better you know let me give
you an example if you want to earn more money you can become
the kind of person who serves countless others and becomes indispensable your
work can solve pressing problems improve lives and get noticed by influential
people now when you take control and do these kind of things you'll just as a
result become wealthy you can become a millionaire even a multi-millionaire
I've seen it happen time and time again and you may ask well what were these
people doing how did they get there well I'm going to
tell you the first thing the majority of the successful
people I know do is they spend at least one hour a day learning now most people
work merely to collect a paycheck they give their time but they don't put in
the effort to do their best work then they wonder why didn't I get a big raised
or why didn't I get that promotion they don't like me I'm being discriminated
against whatever it might be but the world's most successful people strive to
be and get better they are passionate Learners who want to make
the most of themselves and make a difference in the world
and this shows in the quality of their work you know the benefits you'll gain
from reading and developing your mind each day are immeasurable not only will
you earn significantly more money but every aspect of your life will improve so
pick up a book turn off the television why do I say that well I want to give
you an example here I was just talking to my wife about this I was telling her
about an uncle that I had that I he do work on my mom's car I
grew up extremely poor we couldn't afford to go to the to
the auto the auto shop you know and have a mechanic uh do the work so my uncle
would work on my mom car no big deal he worked on his own cars as well it's not
a problem but one thing that always impressed me is we would go over there and
my mom had explain this big long thing about the car's engines doing this when
I do this this lights on and he'd say started up and she would and I don't know
if he would hear a knock or a whistle or
something in that engine but I tell you what 5 minutes later
the hood would be up he'd be in there tearing the thing apart I know what's
wrong and you know what we leave later that day whatever was wrong was fixed
and you know he just had that Acuity he had that Knowledge from his experience
he had applied himself to the application of fixing car engines and being
mechanically inclined so you could turn that engine on he'd hear something and
he' take a specific action and the engine the engine's issue
would be resolved do you know there's people out there in
every industry that have the exact same ability from an IT standpoint if if you
have an it or a technical problem we could talk about it for a few moments I'd
know exactly what was wrong and I'd recommend the appropriate actions to take
in order to get it resolved you know there are people out there that can do
that with money they can look at your financial situation the way you spend
your accounts receivable your accounts payable and they can make
recommendations that immediately will flip your financial
situation on its head now I'm going to tell you what you can become any of
those people you know what the difference is between you me my uncle and
anybody who could turn things around for you financially we just have
specialized knowledge we're not any different hell I'm a handicap guy I got
brain damage but I tell you what we all have two arms we all have two legs we
all have a heart and lungs we're all working with the same equipment it's
just the knowledge that gives us the different results we
get in life so you want better results in your life pick up a book related to
what it is you want to improve put the right information and knowledge into
your brain and watch your results start changing like that it's not it's not
brain surgery it is just that damn easy and it's free of charge you know what
there's a book for you at the library you can check out 100% free it'll cost
you nothing to go there come home tonight sit down on the couch start
reading and putting the right knowledge and information into
your mind so then you could put your shoes on and start taking action to get
the results you want in your life you know invest in yourself you know when we
don't pay for something we may start it but we rarely finish it however when we
have some skin in the game we are far more likely to take it seriously and to
follow through now if you're serious about becoming the type of person who
makes things happen then make investing in yourself one of
your top priorities what whatever it is you want to do
however much you think you know there is more to know and there's more
information to gain become an expert you know put yourself into a situation
where you have the information and knowledge so you can recommend to yourself
to your spouse to your children the right actions to take to get the best
results and the best life possible and you do that by investing in yourself and
in making investing in yourself one of your top priorities you can't disagree that
there is usually a
(06:34) correlation in this world between people's level of
success and the amount of time they spend on their education you tell me
somebody who has a an elementary primary school education versus somebody who
has a college degree there is a huge difference in this world and where they
live the type of car they drive and what it is they have the ability to attain
and it's all related only to the knowledge they have within their mind and I'll
tell you what unlike other Investments investing in yourself always pays off
for every dollar you
spend on your education growth and skills you're likely to
get at least $1100 back in return it's 100% the truth and you know like I said
become an expert I'll give you an example if you want to become wealthy take a
serious look at the industry you work in and determine how much you think it
will grow over the next 10 years now if you see no limit in the industry's
growth then it's reasonable to say that there's no limit to your opportunity
for growth within that industry now an expanding
Dynamic industry needs Extraordinary People to share its
growth with and it will richly reward those committed to producing excellent
work you can become one of them by thinking every day about how to put more
into your job how to be more creative and how to provide exceptional service
now you're going to be amazed at the difference that this is going to make for
you it's free of charge I'm not selling you anything I'm giving you some good
advice that'll make a huge difference in your life now if
you continue to give your work all you've got your industry
is going to provide you with anything you want for the rest of your life I 100%
guarantee that you know and don't set little goals everybody set little goals
they think they can attain I want to save $100 over the next two months yeah
well so does my daughter and she did it in a week right it's like come on
that's that's an easy goal to attain imagine doing something big like turning
your annual income into your monthly income can you see it does
it seem possible what if I told you it is 100% possible and
that many people are doing it and if one person can do it so can you you know
people don't earn $100,000 a year because they want to earn $100,000 a year
they do it because they don't know how to earn $100,000 a month that's the only
difference the only difference between people earning $100,000 a month and you
is your level of awareness if you understood what they were doing to earn
$100,000 a month you would be doing it too and you could do
it to raise your awareness I want you to make a committed
decision to increase your income by 12 times write that on a goal card and read
it several times a day now you understand the goal card right I've got mine
right here I always have it with me I am so happy and grateful now that I have
increased my income by 12 times and take this card with you every single place
you go now this is a card I just give to people and if you've met me in public
I've probably given you one of these so on the back of your card write
that information but you know what if I haven't given you
one of these and I didn't always have these I used to ask people to make them
and I'll tell you there's hundreds of people walking around the world right now
who have a piece of paper in their wallet or in their purse that they wrote
down while I was sitting with them at some place and we were talking and you
know what they're doing every single time they are sitting at a red light every
single time they're in the elevator whenever they
have a free moment when they're s sitting at their desk and
they just need a break you know what they're doing they're getting out their
goal card and they're reading to themselves over and over and over again I am
so happy and grateful now that and after the word that they've written the goal
that they want to attain and it's the most powerful tool we have in our toolbx
it'll change your life like night and day you think advertising to yourself is
not important well you know what it's
worth billions to the largest companies in the world and you
know what they do they spend millions and billions of dollars every single year
on Advertising to you cuz they know if they repetitively Place their message
into your mind you'll take action and buy their product and make them all kinds
of money so here's the deal turn the TV off turn your goal card on start
advertising to yourself imprint in your mind the idea that you want your mind
to take action on so you read to yourself I am so happy and grateful now that I
am a
millionaire I am so happy and grateful now that I am a
millionaire you say that to yourself a thousand times every day and guess what
happens your subconscious mind starts helping your conscious mind to take
appropriate action in the real world so it makes that statement a reality it
works advertising works that's why companies spend millions of dollars with ad
agencies every year and the ad agencies aren't doing anything but creating
creative cartoons or creative little visuals that you see on your television so
you're interested in
buying a specific product well get interested in buying
stuff for yourself your goals and dreams get interested in those the type of
life you want to live you want a new car I'm so happy and grateful now that I
have a new car I'm so happy and grateful that now I'm so happy and grateful now
that I have a new car and I'm telling you what you're going to start thinking
about getting a new car as a result advertising it to yourself over and over
and over again it's going to change your life and you
can do that with one specific idea over and over and over
until you attain it but focus on one at a time don't get five or six ideas or
five or six gold cards going that's not the way it works we need to focus on
one primary goal one primary statement you want to embed in your mind that's
going to change your life and make things better for yourself if it's more more
money right on your gold card you want more money I am so happy and grateful
now that I have a million dollars or now that I have ,000
whatever your goal is I say shoot for the stars because hey
you know what all you're going to do if you don't hit the stars is end up in
the moon and you'll still be in heaven right so you're doing good so that's
what I do I use the goal card and everybody I know uses a goal card and it
helps us to get the type of results we want in our life because you know what
you get what you're motivated to do and by repeating that statement over and
over in your mind it's going to motivate you to get your shoes on get
out there and start taking action towards that specific goal
that you are stating to yourself over and over and over again read it in the
bathroom while you're sitting there you got nothing else to do read it when
you're waiting on people read it anytime while you're waiting for them to bring
your food at the restaurant raise your goal card you know do what you have to
do with that goal card cuz it's going to give you the results you want in your
life and you know as you think about your goal by
reading your goal card over and over and over again which is
100% free I'm not selling you anything as you read your goal new ideas are
going to flow into your head some of them are going to scare you but don't
ignore or reject them because you can't change your results by 12 times by
engaging in the same thinking or behaviors you're currently performing you want
to change your life you got to change your life stop going to the same grocery
store start shopping somewhere else start taking a new route to work
change the things you're doing in your life and you'll start
getting different results you'll never get different results by doing the same
things you're just going to get more of the same and educate yourself about how
to achieve your goal be bolder face your fears and cross boundaries most people
never cross create more step out of your comfort zone and fail more fail over
and over until your goal becomes a reality and you will get there I guarantee
it it's really that easy it drives me nuts
sometimes it's not hard it's free of charge and you can have
any life you want any life and you know what create multiple sources of income
virtually all wealthy people have multiple sources of income I call MSI and MSI
whether you believe it or not is not getting a second job it should be a source
of income that is fun creative and passive and does not interfere with your
primary source of income Now by developing MSI you can earn many times what
you're currently receiving and it could be millions of dollars here are a few
examples on that'll let you get your creative juices flowing
on this write a book write a song write a play or write a movie script and why
can't you do that somebody does it why can't that somebody be you you know join
a network marketing company every person in your downline is an MSI you know I
don't know if Amway or something like that would be of interest to you it's not
anything that's ever really interested me but you know what it's something
people do and they make a amazing amount of money doing it when
you're good at it it can really pay off or you know what how
about that great idea that you thought of about the new Fork that does the the
thing that you know is going to make everybody's life better you know invent
something is what I'm saying and you know what when you invent something do a
poor man's patent all you need to do when you invent something is write it out
in detail draw a schematic and then you know what mail it to yourself when you
mail it to yourself they call that a poor man's
patent because it'll be postmarked and dated and you'll be
able to prove that it was your idea from that given date moving forward or
intellectual property you know what give your idea to someone else to Market
and then just receive a royalty there are lots of invention companies out there
that you could submit your invention too they'll help you Market it present it
to other companies and help you to be successful or real estate investing you
know maybe you want to rent a property or maybe you have an extra bedroom in
your house that
you want to rent out on VRBO there are Limitless ways to
make more money take advantage unless you sit down and write out a list of
things that you could personally do in order to make more money you're never
going to take action you're on any of those things and you're never going to
make the money you could have made from those circumstances you know a lot of
times I'll say to people you know what would you do if if every single week you
earned the same amount of money that you earned last month and
they're like oh I don't know what I would do I'd probably
pay my bills off and all that and I'm thinking okay well why don't you make all
the money you made last month this week well because I I make a certain amount
of money every week and I say no it's because you've never sitting down at a
table with a piece of paper and a pen and tried to strategize how to do it but
you know when you sit down and you start writing out the strategy you'll be
surprised the ideas that will flow into
your mind listen unless you've ever thought of it you can
never expect to receive it so sit down and be crazy and write things out I love
numbers I love to write huge numbers and think how can I make that happen how
can I make that happen you know what probably seven out of 10 times it never
happens but the three out of 10 times that it does happen pays off extremely
well for myself and my family and it's just because I'm willing to sit down
take the risk and write out you know what seeds can I plant how can I plant
seeds in the
in the field of the world so I can Harvest a crop that's
going to you know give me the money that I want and you know there's a book
that I love and it's called The Magic of thinking big and it's by David Schwarz
and in it he says you can't Harvest money unless you plant the seeds that grow
money and the seed of money is service put Service First first and money takes
care of itself now he's 100% correct on that Dr schwarz's words demonstrate his
understanding of the law of cause and effect your rewards
in life will always match your service and each little extra
you do for others is a money seed now whether you're you're a business owner or
an employee you earn more money after you improve your performance and when
your motivation is to give you'll start to get insights about how you can
improve other people's lives you'll start contributing more which will lead to
far more opportunities deeper relationships and higher monetary rewards and
it's 100% the truth now work with a sense of
urgency this is important because it's the one factor that
distinguishes people who make things happen from those who don't and it's they
work each day you know most people are always busy but rarely accomplish much
of real value you know people who make things happen are focused on a specific
Target they know where they're going and what they need to do to get there they
have intensity a focal point a purpose so they work with a sense of urgency
getting a lot done in a short period of time and when you work
with a sense of urgency you're thinking 10 times bigger than
everybody else you don't have to work harder just more efficiently through
systematic thought instead of random action and you know make your work count
by developing a principle of purpose and a systematic plan to achieve it CU by
doing so you'll emerge from a rabble of Watchers to that of achievers and
leaders and it's 100% the truth you know 3% of the population of this world
makes 97% % of all the money there is to be earned it's 100%
the truth they do so if the 97% of the people are happy with
just 3% of the money and that includes the majority of the 100,000 eres and the
millionaires because a million dollars really isn't a lot of money when you
start getting into real money a million dollars is like 10 bucks in your pocket
to be honest so the deal is you know what you want to become a big mover a big
Shaker stop following the 97% that are just making the 3% of money go out and
start reading books about what the 3% are doing do what
they're doing and you'll start getting their results stop
playing follow the follower CU every single person you're following if they're
in that 97% is just following somebody else go out and see what the leaders are
doing the people who are the big movers and shakers the business owners the
corporation owners the people who own the big shows do what they're doing and
you know what even if you do what they're doing on a on a on a smaller level
you may get smaller results but hey I'll take a
small share of a trillion dollars or a billion dollars or
whatever it is the majority of these companies are making in the United States
right now you want to be a mover and Shaker you got to start following the
right people and you know it's not about the money I don't want to get you
wrong on that you know I'm sitting here talking about money like hey money
money money I know that life is wor worth a lot more than that and there's a a
lot more and today I knew my video was kind of be kind of a
ramble I've been a
little worked up today for whatever reason but you know it's not about the
money the greatest reward about being a billionaire is not the amount of money
you earn it's the kind of person you become to get there you must bring more of
yourself more of your potential to the surface think about this the underlying
message I'm making is that by enhancing yourself you're going to enhance your
pocketbook you're going to enhance your family life your relationships
everything in your life is
going to get better just by making yourself better you know
and that's it you got to bring yourself forth you got to show the world what
you got because there's beautiful things within you and there are amazing
things within people and I am not surprised when I see it I'm happy when I see
it because I know how incredible people are and the Imp potential that's within
people that's unused is incredible you know one person said to me something
really cool one time they said Doug you should write a
book and I said well I don't know what I would write a book
about and they said do you know that every single person has a book within them
and the saddest thing in this world is that there's more books that die with
people than sit on shelves at library liaries and you know he made a point he
made a big point so you know we all have something to offer we have an amazing
story we all have unique experiences that have turned us into the incredible
people that we are so you must bring more of yourself more of your
potential to the surface and when the real you starts coming
to the surface and you enhance that you incredible things will begin to happen
I I can't prove it to you all I can tell you is that if you just for the next
30 to maybe 90 days I want to say 90 but most people won't give it a 90day shot
so even if you were to give it a week of just applying yourself for the next
week read a book every day for one hour find a goal that you have that you want
to accomplish and every single day read a book or Garner some knowledge for at
least one hour towards the achievement of that goal and
watch your ability to attain the goal be enhanced but also notice everything
else in your life will get better as well it's amazing when you apply knowledge
this is a hungry computer and it just wants information and you've got to feed
it so when you feed the Mind additional knowledge and information it changes
everything for you everything your relationship with your spouse will get
better better your relationship with your kids will get better your relationship
with your boss
and your ability to do the work you're being asked to do at
your job will get better your attitude's going to improve you're going to feel
good about yourself and you know what it's all going to come from just applying
yourself one hour a day pick a goal write that goal on your goal card get up
get your shoes on go to the library find a book about how to achieve your goal
just knowledge and information around the goal you're trying to achieve bring
that book home open it up read one hour a day just one
hour and watch how everything will dramatically improve for
you I can't explain it I don't know why it works and I can't prove it I don't
have a methodical stepbystep process of what's going on within the mind that
changes everything in the world for us but you know what when it comes to
achieving a better life and goals I've found over the course of my experience
it's less about the how and more about the what it's what you want we don't
have to know how we're going to get it we only have
to know that we are going to get it and take steps towards
achieving it you know and I don't get me wrong money is important and it does
solve a lot of problems and it allows you to but one thing that I love about
money more than anything in the whole wide world it allows you to provide
service beyond your physical presence you know money is a means to an end and
if you're doing work you love and believe in money becomes a tool for helping
more people and making a difference that's what I love about money money
Garners you the
ability to do more for others now these are just seven
examples seven ideas I wanted to throw out to you today I want you to start
thinking and acting bigger you know I believe in you and I know that if anybody
can do this you can there are no limits for you look 19 March 3rd 1992 I
knocked that over there March 3rd 1992 I'm laying in a hospital bed I'm totally
paralyzed on the left side of my body I die and I die longer than anybody's
ever died clinically died under a clinical situation I was hooked
up to an EEG and E EKG and and I died and I went and saw my
dad and had a great out of- body experience all that kind of stuff right but
after that I suffered the results of the stroke I have bad brain damage I have
a arm my left arm I can't really use it for much I I'm not going to run any
marathons right but I can limp across the room you know it's it's one of those
things where if I can do it anybody can do it and I just understand this that
if you want it you just have to go get it and you have
to go get it with a positive attitude you have to live a
life of gratitude you know and this is these are the easiest things that you
can do they're free of charge it doesn't cost you anything to make yourself
better it doesn't cost you anything to smile at other people to be kind to
people to treat other people with respect it's all free of charge and these are
all things that will make a tremendous difference not only in your life but in
the lives of those who look up to you and depend on you so let's do
the best we can today okay I care about you I believe in you
and I know if anybody can do it you can I'm done ramble in for the day probably
never seen me do a video like this before I do get kind of worked up over this
because it's just so damn simple and I just want to see people just take action
and Garner some knowledge and information you're going to spend 4 hours
watching TV tonight why not spend one hour reading a book and 3 hours watching
TV I mean if that's what it takes but I guarantee you once you start reading
probably end up spending those four hours reading that book and when you start seeing the results you're getting in your life books knowledge information and taking action are going to become a greater presence within your life I know it's true and if anybody can do it you can so I'll see you tomorrow friends thanks for listening to my rant sorry I went on and on today I just care I care a lot take care
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